Seismic Exploration in Hamburg
Geothermie Wilhelmsburg GmbH planned the use of geothermal energy for heat supply at the site of the company Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. The level of geological investigation was assessed as „sparse“ for the relevant area, as no seismic data were available in the closely built-up inner-city area. For this reason, seismic exploration was performed by Geophysik GGD GmbH Leipzig (GGD) in May 2010.
It could be determined that the Rhaetian sandstone is present in sufficient depth and thickness. In addition, the Dogger could be proven as an alternative horizon. Faults were not identified. Thus it could be excluded that an inflow of saline water from the Gipskeuper would occur which would have negative effects on the pore space development of the sandstone.
The measure was accompanied by intensive public relations work, so that despite the location (in the middle of the residential area) there were no problems. The preparatory work, permitting, construction supervision and the final report (in cooperation with GGD) were carried out by Geothermie Neubrandenburg GmbH (GTN). .
- Analysis of the existing geological data and information
- Planning of the seismic surveys (location of seismic „lines“), preparation of the service specifications
- Permitting, approvals
- Supervision of the works
- Support in processing
- Evaluation and interpretation