Geothermal Potentials in North Germany

Since 2011, the integrated R&D project "Sandstone Facies" has been working on the reconstruction and characterisation of the most important geothermal aquifer systems in the North German Basin. The North German Basin has a high hydrothermal potential with sedimentary cover layers up to 7.000 m thick containing porous sandstone horizons. The most important geothermal aquifer systems can be found in the Middle Buntsandstein, Schilfsandstein, Rhaetian, in the Lower and Middle Jurassic as well as in the Lower Cretaceous.

Since the lateral variability of sandstone thickness and its petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability, grain size, composition) is very high in sandstone horizons, the exploration risk is also high. For this reason, maps for all major geothermally exploitable horizons in the North German Basin are being prepared which show the spatial distribution of the former sedimentation systems and the distribution of sandstone thickness. The aim of the integrated R&D project is to contribute to the cost-effective generation of electricity and heat from the deep geothermal reservoirs in North Germany. To this end, methods, procedures and decision-making aids are developed and applied which lead to improved decision-making in geothermal projects and can reduce the risk of drilling success in the course of exploration.


  • Comprehensive investigations of the geothermal main reservoirs in Buntsandstein, Schilfsandstein, Rhaetian, Liassic, Dogger and Lower Cretaceousandstein
Geothermal reservoirs
Logged boreholes
Cored boreholes