R&D-project ZoKrateS
R&D-project ZoKrateS
From 2016 until 2019 the exploration of fault blending zones as possible target for geothermal applications was investigated within the R&D-project Dolomitkluft (FKZ324004, financed by BMWi). Therefore a sidetrack from the well GEN-1ST was drilled under scientific supervision. As result fom hydraulic tests it became eveident that injectivity is significantly higher than productivity. Considering the relationship of permeability vs. porosity the site Geretsried has to be defined as petrothermal reservoir. Within the R&D-project ZoKrateS (FKZ03EE4010) the reservoir shall be exploited by petrothermal technologies without initilization of hydraulic fractures. Instead existing faults will be acidized and the closure of fault planes shall be prevented by injection of ceramic proppants. By doing so the productvity should be increased up to the level of injectivity.
Image: © Ener Power Germany GmbH