R&D project mesoTherm
R&D project mesoTherm
The R&D project mesoTherm started in April 2020 as a cooperation between University of Göttingen, LIAG and GTN. Its aim is the reduction of the exploration risk for the major Mesozoic reservoirs in the North German Basin and it is already the third of its kind after the successful projects Sandsteinfazies and GeoPoNDD.
The previous projects focused on fluvial sandstones of Mesozoic age. In the ongoing project mesoTherm, the working group will spotlight the Mesozoic carbonates to complete the list of the most important deep geothermal reservoirs in Northern Germany. Other work packages of mesoTherm will put an emphasis on an in-depth analysis of the Upper Keuper (Triassic) reservoirs. This analysis includes: the improvement of existing facies maps, the preparation of site-specific exploitation examples, the application of innovative seismic exploration techniques and the development of a new approach for Probability of Success (POS) studies in the North German Basin.
The R&D project mesoTherm (FKZ 03EE4011D) is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and cooperates with the living lab project Intelligente WärmeWende Wilhelmsburg - IW³.
For more information, please visit: www.sandsteinfazies.de.