- 20/01/2021

Humboldt Forum - A new piece of Berlin is launched

Excerpt from the press release by the Foundation for the Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace from 16.12.2020:

"... The Humboldt Forum has been completed - all major construction measures have been successfully completed and the building has been handed over to cultural operations for use. At today's press conference, Hans-Dieter Hegner, Director of Technology at the Humboldt Forum Foundation in the Berlin Palace, said: "I am delighted that we were able to complete the construction work in 2020 despite the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic. I would like to thank the architect Franco Stella and his team, all the planners, the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning for construction management, and the many companies involved, who did everything they could to erect an extraordinary building to a high standard of quality and, in the end, successfully completed all the necessary tests for the complex building services. Berlin gains a new landmark and a wonderful urban space. …"

GTN is proud to have been involved in the project with the energy concept and the planning and construction supervision for various technical installations. We were responsible for the near-surface geothermal plant for combined heating and cooling, for the conventional cold generation including the ice storage, the cold distribution and transfer as well as the district heating integration.

You can find a video report from the Tagesschau of 16.12.2020 under


© Stiftung Humboldt Forum/Christoph Musion